
Product Details

  • Environmentally safe and natural, eliminating the need for Chlorine and Bromine
  • Based on a unique formula of colloidal minerals and oxygen to deal with all pathogens and algae
  • Colloidal Silver is widely acknowledged for its therapeutic effect on many skin problems - enhancing and normalising, rather than irritating, the condition of your skin (and respiratory membranes)
  • Odourless and tasteless
  • Saves money and energy as it does not require continual pump usage to keep water circulating
  • Can be used in any model spa pool
  • Is entirely flexible and adjustable (using less or more product) according to conditions, level and manner of spa pool usage and can be purchased as required in three sizes (1L, 2L and 5L) to fit your budget and convenience
  • Easy, low maintenance usage.  The PH of your water does not affect the efficacy of the product (however, a good idea to check the requirements of your spa pool).
  • Lets you luxuriate with peace of mind in a pool that serves the purposes you originally intended – relaxation, health and well-being


Initial Treatment Drain, clean and refill spa pool. 

2 litres of SALUD's Silver Cove formula will be added for every 1000 litres of pool water in the first three days:

As water quality varies from place to place we recommend an initial three day protocol to remove contaminants from your water before using your spa:


On Day 1 Drain, clean and refill your pool. Add 1L Silver Cove to your spa, followed by 500 ml on Day 2 and 500 ml again on Day 3 while running the pool for a minimum of 6 hours per day) and cleaning the filters each day. Filters need to be rinsed and soaked overnight in de-greaser (Poolwise makes an organic de-greaser) for the three days and, if possible, put in the sun to dry. 

The spa pool water should be clear and odourless. (In rare cases, it may be necessary to add a further 100 ml increments).


Once a week thereafter, add 1/2 litre (500ml) per 1000 litres of pool water to be sanitised.

At any sign of decreased water clarity/quality, when spa is under heavy usage, has long exposure to direct sunlight or is contaminated with suntan lotions, sunscreens, etc, increase weekly water treatment amount by 100 ml increments until clear.


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