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Algon Algatac 1ltr
Algon Algatac is a broad spectrum microbicide for the control of bacteria, fungi, and algae in swimming pools.
Traditionally, sanitisers have been used to treat and control algae but this is proving to be much less reliable as algae species become more diverse and resistant. The use of algaecide greatly reduces your pool’s chlorine consumption. Algae spores are always present, and when they become active they thrive on waste within water. To remove and prevent algae from your pool, you will always need to use an algaecide. It also guarantees the success of your chlorine and oxidiser as 100% of your chlorine is working to destroy harmful bacteria.
ALGATAC is a top-selling product and has been very popular since the 1980’s. It is a strong, general, all-purpose algae controller suited to treating green, black and mustard algae. It is also useful for treating general algae problems in larger pools.
For best results apply initial dose and then weekly/monthly maintenance depending on product: